R.I.P. Cort and Fatboy 2003-2012

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

by admin on November 28, 2012

Who’d have guessed a single confused old man would cause such controversy, but when a news crew showed up to Geek Trivia last night, the guy holding the microphone didn’t endear himself to the room, nor to Courtenay Hameister or Leia Weathington. Cort and Bobby didn’t mind so much, and from such differences, a discussion on self-identification, the subculture of “nerd” or “geek,” the usefulness of such labels in the future, and the need for personalities to have more than a couple facets all got brought up, hashed over, and picked at, with a couple side-trips into learning about nature and sex toys. Also discussed: James Gunn got hit in the face with a bad comedy article from 2011, but is there anything more to it than just a collection of bad jokes? Finally, Courtenay has a bone to pick with that little brat from Two and a Half Men. It’s an eventful show.

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{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Flip Mode November 28, 2012 at 9:19 pm

Joe smith is my new hero. Comedy Central should hire him for their next roast. Did Jaime Kirk really miss tonight’s Ham-Fisted Radio because he was sick, or is it because he was still recovering from Joe’s sick burn?


Dorothy Zbornak November 29, 2012 at 1:04 am

In Joe Smith’s defense, it looks like the majority of his career was covering politics and business news. Either way, his cluelessness always makes me laugh.


vee November 29, 2012 at 7:43 am

At some point, as a fan of anything and everything, you have to realize you’re a specialized consumer. That’s not all that you are; the fact that I spend inordinate amount of time watching or re-watching or reading or discussing a particular thing doesn’t start or end with me buying a product or products related to that thing. It’s pretty reductionist to think that’s all that fandom or geekdom is, but of course that’s a large part of it.

I think what Courtenay is getting at is the simple fact that the essence of the experience is not the consumerism. You don’t buy BSG on DVD because you’ve been successfully marketed to – you buy BSG on DVD because the “product”, the TV show itself, appeals to you in its story-telling, characters, world-building etc. In the end, the stories and the characters are what we relate to, and man has been telling stories for all eternity.

There’s always more to life than just media, but in a way, media is life, because it all comes down to communication. Your friends can tell you stories about their lives, or they can write you a letter, or a book, or a funny blog post, or they can make a film about it, and distribute it to everybody in the world. I’d be the first one to tell people to get out there, experience the world, travel, fucking get out of your comfort zone because that’s how you create your own stories to share with others, be the audience your best friend or the world, doesn’t matter. Only stories matter, not in which form you find them, or choose to tell them.


Bobby November 29, 2012 at 8:27 am

I think a common point we’re both getting to in our arguments, which start at different places – is that when you make the switch from consumption to CREATION, then we start to get into more of those facets that make you, as a person, more interesting, more rounded, more YOU. It can’t just be consumption of other people’s lives and experiences and fictions.

We’re all essentially arguing for some semblance of balance to be inserted into the equasion here.


vee November 29, 2012 at 11:16 am

Yep, pretty much. It’s a good idea to think about one’s friend circles, and how much of that friendship is built on common values, beliefs or a shared sense of humor, and how much is just based around bullshitting about various media we consume. There definitely needs to be a balance of discussions of a personal nature/personal stories as well as the pop culture awesomness.


Courtenay November 29, 2012 at 1:19 pm

This is possibly my favorite Triumph video, with Jack McBrayer in Chicago:

Here’s the tits lady who has some journalistic integrity. Watch ’til the end:


Jeff November 29, 2012 at 6:07 pm

Courtenay, that Triumph video was amazing! Thank you!


Leia Weathington November 30, 2012 at 11:00 am

And because I know you are all dying to know more about Real Dolls.


BuffaloRiderSD December 1, 2012 at 10:33 am

Any idea where I can find the news reel of Geek Trivia? Nobody mentioned a station ID or anything I can search for.

Though I suppose I could Google it.


Any idea where I can find the news reel of Geek Trivia?



Thom December 3, 2012 at 1:59 pm

Here’s the link


Bobby really hit the nail on the head when he compared it to the drunken uncle who shows up at family gatherings and makes inappropriate jokes; nobody’s actually offended, just kind of annoyed.


BuffaloRiderSD December 3, 2012 at 6:50 pm


Wow that was awkward.


whypick1 December 4, 2012 at 1:21 am

This incident reminded me that I too have an awkward Joe Smith experience:

Thankfully, I didn’t have to do any speaking beyond introducing myself, but looking back on it 3 years later, still kinda cringeworthy.

Nowhere near as bad as this though. Ow ow ow ow ow.


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