Shows with Courtenay Hameister always seemed to be the ones that ran the full gamut of topics, emotions, and depths. Adding Leia Weathington to that mix only enhanced this fact. And today’s show, the final regular show with both of them, does nothing to change this. Among the topics discussed: Sexual surrogates, Triscuit Heretics, “Beef” as an adjective, Olfactory injustice, the unneccessary shame we ladle onto our own psyche for the silliest of reasons, the necessary shame ladled onto John Travolta’s sharpie’d head for making that music video with Olivia Newton John, the cruel jokes our bodies can play on us via our orifices, and the sense memories associated with the holidays, the ones that make the happy, innocent children inside all of us (even Cort) smile in wonder at what this season means to each of us.
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“‘Beef’ as an adjective…”
Beef ***IS*** a verb goddammit.
Was it not the immortal Sting that taught us “If you love someone, beef them” all those years ago?
You have just made that song 30x more better.
This show. . . was perfect. I haven’t laughed this hard in forever. What a great send off for Wednesdays!
This week is both sad & wonderful. Sad, because the show is coming to it’s end, but wonderful because the final shows have all been excellent! Courtenay’s final words of wisdom were classic! Looking forward to Leia’s podcast, good news on that front. Thanks for all the laughs today!
Top Ten. Way to go out on a high note. Thanks for the larfs.
“They’re like big meaty snowflakes.”
That’s gross. I’m going to miss you guys. :’(